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gvSIG-Desktop 1.1. Manual de usuario.

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2011-04-19 16:42


If the layer to be georeferenced is selected in the ToC, four new buttons will appear in the tool bar.

This button resizes the image to be georeferenced.


The image size can be modified and brought closer to the base map scale.


Select this tool and go to the image to be georeferenced.

A frame will be created around the image. If you place the cursor on one of the image sides, it will turn into a double arrow. This will then allow you to modify the frame size by moving the cursor.


The newly created frame boundaries will become the new reference size for the image being georeferenced.


This tool allows you to move the image to be georeferenced around the view and thus bring it closer to the reference base map.


This tool takes you back to the previous position of the image to be georeferenced in the view.


This tool is activated when the previous tool has been used and allows you to redo what you have previously undone.

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